Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bleed Through

During a Women’s Dream Quest, I received a dream of my husband punching his brother in the face.  I woke with blood on the knuckle of the ring finger of my left hand.  I went to the men’s room for my morning toilet, and found blood on the sink.

I now have a new name for the experience of encountering the same image in dreams and waking life.  I call it bleed through.

As I enter elderhood, I notice more signs, synchronicities and other forms of bleed through between the worlds.  Earlier in life I might have dismissed these occurrences as mildly interesting or entertaining.  Now I know them to be deeply meaningful whether or not they are understandable in the moment.  Sometimes these bleed through moments are clear directions and instruct me in how to proceed in my waking life. More often they are shimmering lights, crumbs on the path leading more deeply into the mystery.  I hold them with awe and wonder as I marvel at how everything’s connected - no exceptions.

I invite you, dear readers, to walk with me on this journey of discovery.   May we walk together in beauty, discovering ways we are connected to each other, to the more than human world and to the One from whence it all began.

Blessed Be.


  1. Just responded to your comment on my blog presuming it would 'bleed through' to your blog...doesn't work that way I guess...Love your site and what fun to be Beginners Eldering + blogging!

    1. I love the way you found me even when I thought I was hidden. Today is my official launch day. Thanks for being my first visitor - even before I began. Sounds almost biblical, doesn't it?

  2. Love 'shimmering lights' and 'crumbs on the path'

  3. "Bleed through"... yup... we continue to be so juicy - especially YOU! Thanks for your curiosity, honesty, and courage in following the crumbs! X0

  4. The boundaries seem to get more permeable all the time.
